Color Walking by Radiolab

  The basis of this article is about how humans see so many different colors in our everyday lives, but we don’t necessarily metabolize them. There was an experiment on the Colors show (which is a podcast) that asked you to set aside one hour of your time...

Dr. Bombays Underwater Tea Party Digital Record #5

The book that I purchased from Dr. Bombay’s was Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I’ve seen the movie and had other renditions of the book in my collection as well. One thing that stood out to me the most about the book was the smell. The pages...

Dr. Bombays Underwater Tea Party Digital Record #4

At Dr. Bombay’s, they have these designated times where you can have High Tea with someone. The High Tea consists of a three-tiered cake holder that is filled with scones, cupcakes, biscuits, brownies, and more. You also get to choose the type of tea...

Dr. Bombays Underwater Tea Party Digital Record #3

My fascination with Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party can be summed up in this photograph. With it, I wanted to focus on just how quirky the selection of books is. In this particular section of the shop, I found marketing books, books on how to navigate...