The outside of resturant displays the red color scheme and the which y
The picture represents the inside of the vortex in midtown the picture represent a bear and tables for customers to buy food and hang out .the picture once again shows very dark colors which is used to ,ale it seem like a club type feeling when I visit here
This picture represent the outside of the vortex in midtown the design of the front is very rock and roll theme and the colors are. Very dark the outside of the vortex uses there rock n roll theme and dark colors to attract young customers to come inside and drink...
This picture displays one of the artifacts present at the site. The Skeleton on the motorcycle located right by the bar gives the vibe for rock and roll and was most likely created for young people. This picture represents the type of vibe they have in the bar. The...
This picture represent the menu of the vortex grill which could persuade the audience which is the reader and the customers to advertise the food and to persuade them to buy some food . The menu from the vortex displays all the food they carry and when I seen the...
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