The MODIFIED Mediterranean Diet

The modified Mediterranean Diet is the best anti-inflammatory diet in the world. Quite literally, this modified Mediterranean Diet can usually effectively treat, cure, control, or manage specific illnesses and major diseases. Level #1: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans,...

Implementing the Mediterranean Diet

There are 13 important steps to take if you want to shift over to the Mediterranean Diet. Some steps and decisions will be easier than others, but every single step is a good one, except with certain grains. Here is what it usually takes: Eliminate processed foods,...

The Mediterranean Diet like the typical “health” pyramid

Level One: Complex carbohydrates in the form of brown rice, whole-grain rice, whole-grain pasta, and whole-grain bread (the fresher the better). Other possible options include cracked whole wheat (bulgur wheat), couscous, course cornmeal (polenta), and potatoes. Level...

The Anti-Inflamatory Diet

Inflammation is the root cause of most chronic diseases. Health is the ideal long-term goal. Here is an anti-inflammatory diet that would break the cycle. This is a diet most patients could use as a foundational starting point for better health. After decades of...