Understanding Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments

In her essay “Understanding Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments”, Mary E. Hocks discusses how digital environments are designed with features like “audience stance, transparency, and hybridity” (629). The ” visual and...

Hierarchy of Space in Atlanta

Atlanta is a fast past city, filled with corporate and small businesses. The way the city of Atlanta is built defines itself and the people who live, work, and visit. The built environment has the ability to control an individual’s perception, such as, what type of...

Black Gentrification

Barbara, Combs. “The Ties That Bind: The Role of Place in Racial Identity Formation, Social Cohesion, Accord, and Discord in Two Historic, Black Gentrifying Atlanta Neighborhoods.” SOCIOLOGY DISSERTATIONS(2010): 1–407. Print. Source: clatl.com In her dissertation...