The 6th Mass Extinction

The last Polar bear on the Last Iceberg. Name: Don Norwood Title: The 6th Mass Extinction Media: Ceramic sculpture, Plexiglas cube Date: 09/2016 Description: The last Polar bear on the Last Iceberg. The Polar bear is a “Key Indicator” of the 6th Mas Extinction. ...


Baobab Tree and the Freedom Fighters Name: Don Norwood Title: Freedom Media: Multimedia, wood, acrylic paint, plaster sculpture Description: Baobab Tree and the Freedom Fighters, Three sculptures in relief. The backdrop is the Underground Railroad period piece....

Mt Freedom

The art work represents a historical view of the political climate in America. Artist: Don Norwood 12/2017   Title:  Mt Freedom The art work represents a historical view of the political climate in America. Panels are specific to each celebrity, repressented...


The art work represents the current political climate in America 2017. Artist: Don Norwood 12/2017 Title: Promises The art work represents the current political climate in America 2017. Promises of Equality, surrendering to reality, there will be no equality in...