Built environment description , exterior pic 1

 this picture represents the green space that’s east lake has and the clean and neat this the community has which give the audience to understand that east lake keep their house clean so they can convince the audience that east lake is a clean community so that...

Built Environment Analysis Peer Review

I need a review with Kimberly. Here’s her post i evaluated http://sites.gsu.edu/koglesby6/built-environment-analysis/part-i-jackson-street-bridge-and-the-freedom-parkway/ . I told her get a little personal with it , like add her personal experience with it. And...

in class assignment (group)

  Source of Evidence: http://sites.gsu.edu/bjulmisse1/2016/03/22/annotated-bibliography-7/ This is an image of the border between the slums of a colombian city and a rich section of the city. In his site description, Brandon uses it to argue his case that there...