Detailed Revision Explanation

I have revised my reading summary 5. I have done this by adding onto the post to make the word length more acceptable, since my first edition was way too short. I went into a large amount of additional detail, as well as adding in some multimedia. The photograph I...

Color Walking Reading Summary

    William S. Burroughs This article describes an activity called “Color Walking”. The two authors, Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan, credit the author William Burroughs with the creation of the concept in order to help his students to better...

Reading Summary #5

                The article Color Walking by Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan discusses color walking, an experiment that was discovered while the two were creating their podcast show “Colors”. Color Walking is an experiment that allows one to attentively notice...

Color Walking by RadioLab (Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan)

Intro Phia Bennin and Brendan McMullan describe how they came across an experiment from a previous show and decided to try it out themselves. Together, they take us through their experiment, known as a color walk. Color Walking | Color walks were created for people to...