Extra Credit Built Environment Analysis

Relaxation and stress in atlanta based on the built environment. Encounters with nearby nature help alleviate mental fatigue by relaxing and restoring the mind. Within built environments parks and green spaces are settings for cognitive respite, as they encourage...


what you’ve revised, based on this list and possibly other considerations, and how you revised it. Why did you make the particular changes you did? * I made revisions on my posts because I want my reader to keep reading and want to learn more about the subject....

Universities in the city: The right life

San Francisco, Atlanta, Houston, and Detroit are each home to more than 300,000 college students, while San Diego, Riverside, Phoenix, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Seattle, and Baltimore all host more than 200,000 collegians. The built environment of a university in the...

Annotated Bibliography 1-10

Evans, Jocelyn J., and Kyrsten B. York. “How the Mall Means: An Analysis of the National Mall as a Cohesively Built Environment.” Perspectives on Political Science3 (2013): 117-130. Print. When the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial was built, which took place on August...

Built Environment Analysis Peer Review

I need a review with Kimberly. Here’s her post i evaluated http://sites.gsu.edu/koglesby6/built-environment-analysis/part-i-jackson-street-bridge-and-the-freedom-parkway/ . I told her get a little personal with it , like add her personal experience with it. And...