Built Environment Analysis: Atlanta and Gentrification

Atlanta Skyline from Buckhead.     Atlanta, the most populous city and also the U.S. state of Georgia’s economic and cultural nucleus, arose out of the ashes of the Civil War in 1837. Located at the end destination to two major railroad lines Atlanta...

Digital Environment Description: Noisey Atlanta Episode 1

Opening Scene of Noisey Atlanta Video When Noisey Atlanta Episode 1 is typed into the YouTube search bar, a gray screen with a frowning box prompts the viewer to “sign into your account to confirm age- some of the content in this video may be inappropriate for...

Actually An Annotation: Digital Media Data Analysis Faux Pas

Brown, Ammon. “Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes in Digital Media Data Analysis.” Search Engine Watch Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes in Digital Media Data Analysis Comments. SearchEngineWatch.com, 05 July 2011. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. Ammon Brown, a professional...